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Interview with an American Expat Mom Living in Mexico’s Playa del Carmen

1 May

American expat Michele and her family have been living in Carmel del Playa, Mexico, for the past four years, where she and her husband are involved in the real estate business. In this interview she shares some aspects of their expat experiences in Mexico, including what the thinks of the “locals,” the cost of housing, and why it’s a good place to raise children.

Read the full interview 


7 Reasons to Visit Puebla Right Now

26 Apr

Foreign tourists tend to overlook Puebla and now is an ideal time to get acquainted with this colonial beauty. Puebla has been preparing for this year’s 150th anniversary of Cinco de Mayo by renovating its hilltop forts and building a new park and causeway honoring Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza, hero of the Battle of Puebla. A host of special events will include the inaugural Festival Internacional del Mole, a tribute to Puebla’s gastronomy and one of Mexico’s most famous dishes.

Read full article for more info on food, history, architecture, public spaces, art, and museums. 

A Mexican Treasure Trove: The ‘Museum of the Border Revolution’

24 Apr

Built a part of the 2010 Bicentennial/Centennial commemoration of the 1810 War of Independence and 1910 Revolution, the Museu of the Border Revolution offers visitors a unique glimpse of Mexico’s early 20th century revolutionary upheaval, expecially the strategic role Ciudad Juarez played in events that transformed a nation.

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Democrats Abroad to Hold Global Primary Election

23 Apr

Democrats Abroad , the organization of Democrat expats living all around the world that is recognized by  the Democratic National Committee as an official part of the Democratic party, will elect 15 delegates to represent them at the National Convention. The organization is is viewed as the 51st state and is the 17th largest voting blot in the Democratic National Committee.

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